Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tom on the Rock

"Can't wait to get this home AND SMOKE IT!!!"

Crack is Whack Tom. Get off the White Horse and get clean for next year. Wonder if Quickstep is going to fire him? Rec drug use v. cheating. One year ban?


Anonymous said...

Ummmm "White Horse" is heroine. I don't think it was arrogance but just plain stupid especially since cocaine burns your lungs -- which I believe we cyclists really, really need our lungs! If you met Tom, he is an amazing guy and very friendly. He has some problems from dating very young girl, drinking and driving and now cocaine. My thoughts go out to him and hope he finds peace within himself to be happy and not look to illegal things.

Let those within sin cast the first stone.


Anonymous said...

Brian, take your stone back.

The Sage said...

Tornado Tom is no more. It's now Cocaine Tom baby

TreBone said...

Having met Tom briefly at the Tour of California Team Presentation, I can say he was kind and friendly enough. I've got no judgement toward him, just words of warning. Tom, you've got a great opportunity in your life, don't EFF it up by making stupid choices like using coke.

-K.M., coke and smack have both been called "White Horse". In any case, I agree with you, it's just plain stupid for anyone to use drugs.

Brian said...

I do have some personal experience with Mr. WhiteNose away from sponsors and professional obligations and can say that he is nothing but arrogant trash. Any well groomed celebrity will appear as an angel when greeting fans and sponsors...their reputation and paycheck depend upon it.

Our sport has been so tarnished by drugs that the last thing we need is for our "heroes and role models" get busted for even recreational drugs. Tom's actions are absolute arrogance. For him to be anywhere near coke shows his contempt for the efforts taken to clean up the sport that pays him.

I agree that what Tom does on the bike appears to be amazing, but our sport needs more than just amazing. We need absolute role models. Guys that are great on and off the bike. Guys that you'd point to your kids and say "he's someone to look up to." Now, I don't know about most people, but I would never ever point to someone that I know uses drugs and say to my son "hero", let alone encourage him to cheer on this person in a race.

Tom gets no sympathy here. He's 27, been around the world a few times, seen a few things, read a few articles about drugs in cycling, and has had to make some pretty big and pretty grownup decisions about money, employment, and his own personal image with sponsors. He's a big boy, please remove the kid gloves and treat him as such.

broxster said...

boonen left postal to be groomed by museeuw and became the rider we know today. hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

The only time you shouldn't ride the white line is in the rain. Rock on Tom!!!