Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Busy Beaver

You know that feeling when you've got a lot of sh!t going on? You know, you're getting things done, but the inbox is still pretty full. And then, it dawns on you that you accomplished some cool things? I've had one of those weeks.

My life gets pretty full. Single dad of 5 daughters, a sick mom that lives with me a house full of cats, this love affair with my bike, running a team, chilling with sponsors, watching cartoons, playing video games.... you know... LIFE.

Well, I was strolling through Costco on one of my feminine hygene product runs that is just short of a full on military resupply effort in Falluja (you'd be amazed at the savings of buying tampons and pads by the pallet!).

Then it struck me... we've got a cool ass team project setup for next year. That is something that I am damn proud of. By no means was this a one man show. I had help from a bunch of great people.

Seeing what we've been able to accomplish in just a few short months made me proud to be part of Team Fremont.

I'll make an "official" press release soon, but for now, I can tell you this;

2009 will see
GREAT new sponsors
A new Women's Team
3 New races and a returning favorite
A sharp new kit
And a community program that will see Fremont area kids getting the hookup on lids and safe ways to get to school.

Add to that, two of my daughters are starting to race and you can probably understand why I'm feeling good right now.

Alls good in the hood.